Friday, November 2, 2007

The Latest From China

Everything is great here. Evelyn and Sissi (our CCAI reps) are keeping us very busy. We are still in Nanchang. We will leave for Guangzhou tomorrow. You will be amazed at what the reps do. They are very knowledgeable, friendly, and loving. I'll fill you in on the details when we get home.

Lily is a momma's girl. When she is tired or wants a bottle, Lily wants Mom. Last night Carla and Marley went swimming and I got some alone time with the baby. We played on the bed, then I held her while she pooped. Then I changed the diaper (not her most favorite thing to do, nor mine). Then she played on the bed while I mixed some formula for a bottle. She ate and then started looking for Carla. She kind of likes Mommy to rock her to sleep, but she was so tired she let me with minimal fussing.

Good night for me and the China doll.

Love to all,


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