Monday, October 29, 2007

Hello From Carla

Hello, everyone, I know I haven't added anything to the blog myself yet but I have been very busy. Today is our third day to have Lily. She is very timid and doesn't cry much. She does let us know if she does not approve of how we are doing something though.

We were somewhat concerned for the first day and a half that she would not take any of the nipples we had packed. She did, however, drink from a cup. We went to the Wal-Mart here yesterday and bought some Chinese bottles. She loves those and got very excited to see them and very eagerly drank a bottle down quickly.

We see the doctor in a few minutes, so I can give you all a better idea of her size after that. But she is very tiny. The nine month clothes I brought are too big right now. We are going to a market later and I am going to buy some smaller clothes there. She likes Marley the best when it comes to playing. She will laugh out loud, although you must listen to hear it. She likes to eat cheerios. They all seem to. Ben and I can't believe we got the baby who eats slowly and only small bites. Some of the babies eat very fast and large bites at a time.

The hotel here in Nanchang is called the Galactic Peace International Hotel. It is just over a year old and it is a five star hotel. It is very, very nice. Lily's crib mate is also in our group. Her parents live close to Tyler, Texas. Can you believe that? Two East Texas girls from Jangxi province. The CCAI guides are excellent. Both are women, Sissy and Evelyn. Sissy says the girls from this province are called "spicy girls" because the local food here is very spicy. We'll see if Lily gets spicy later. Right now she is more like brown sugar.

Thank you all for the prayers and the concern. We are very happy and cannot wait to share Lily with you back home. We cannot access the blog from here, so if Ben has included the same information, now you know why.

Thanks, Carla

1 comment:

Chad said...

We are so excited and can't wait to meet Lily! Tell Marley that we miss her! The class was curious as to when we might get to see pictures of you all in China so they will be surprised when I share the beautiful pics with them.

Always in our prayers,

Jennifer Madding & the 508 Gang