Monday, October 29, 2007

She Is Precious!!!

We got several emails today from Ben and the picture issue has been solved as you can tell by all the beautiful photos below. We will continue to update those as we receive them.

Luke your little sister is beautiful!!! I know you are soooooo excited.

From Ben 10/29/07 @ 9:21 Texas Time

Well today was even better than yesterday. Lillian (we're calling her Lilly/Lily, but not sure of spelling) is still a little reserved at times but now smiles very much. She is getting used to all of us. She even let Marley babysit her in the room while Mom showered and got ready, and I went to pay some fees. She even slept on Marley awhile.

We went to Wal-Mart (yes, Wal-Mart) today. There were people everywhere, and they were all looking at us. Everyone in our group needed various things, and where else do you go! Do you think Sam Walton envisioned Wal-Mart in China, wow!

Lillian finally took a bottle today! We got some chinese bottles, and she loved them. She has relaxed with us even more since we got the new bottles with a smaller nipple.

The CCAI reps here in China are wonderful. Evelyn and Sissie have told us a lot of little things that are different in raising chinese children that have really helped. Also these two have basically done all the paperwork. We just go where we are suppose to go, sign what we are suppose to sign, and pay what we're suppose to pay. Leave your brain in the US, or give it to Evelyn and Sissie.

Tomorrow we see the pediatrician and then go to market for shopping (bargain shopping). We are having fun and missing everyone.

Love to all,Ben

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